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Repeated bullying can lead to negative self-esteem and mental health issues. It’s bad enough that a child fears attending school each day, but the long-term effects can be even more devastating. Bullied boys and girls report anxiety, loneliness, and depression.


At the extreme, some children even take their own lives rather than deal with more bullying. Sadly, this way of dealing with bullies has become all too common.


Over the years, bullying has become more aggressive and is starting at a younger age. Physical bullying begins in early elementary school, peaks in middle school, and declines in high school. Verbal bullying stays quite constant regardless of age.


Learn more about bullying and what you can do to help your child, no matter which side of the story they’re on, through this instantly downloadable eBook.

Bully Proof Your Children And What To Do If The Bully Is Yours

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